Tired of feeling invisible? Have you lost your spark?

I’m here to help
Schedule a free call with me and in just 50 minutes you will know what is keeping stuck where you are.
It’s a free call that could change your life.

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    I’m here to help you.

    You pour yourself out for everyone around you but no one stops to ask you, “How are you, really?” You’re helping everyone else solve their problems but no one creates the safety and space for you to work through your own challenges. You never feel like you have any time for yourself and you’re wondering if life will ever slow down enough to breath a little.

    It’s time to schedule a call with me. It will be 50 minutes of focusing on your goals, your dreams, your desires for your life. If you can’t think of the answer to this question, “What do you do for fun?” then that’s your sign that it’s time to set up a call. In 50 minutes you will know exactly what is holding you back and how to move forward.


    “Amanda has a wonderful way of teasing out emotional blocks and giving solutions for them. She’s very transparent and encouraging. Her light-hearted attitude will immediately put you at ease as you solve your life’s difficulties together. She’s honest, sensitive, and a true joy to work with. I cannot recommend Amanda higher as a Life Coach.”

    ~Catherine Hawthorn, Author of ‘The Rebelling Muse’
    Click here to follow Catherine on Instagram