Military Families: You’re Doing a Great Job

Military families, you’re doing a great job. As we wrap up the month of the military child I want to celebrate you, the parents, for all you’ve poured into your kids. You are reading blog posts about how to have a stronger military family. You are trying to be better parents today than you were yesterday, all while dealing with the struggles and challenges of military life. This is in addition to the collective trauma that we have all endured over the past several years.
Read to the end for your free gift!
Many of you PCS’d during the lock downs, within a travel system that seemed to crumble beneath you. You moved to locations that lacked adequate housing. You’ve dealt with soaring housing costs, mold in your homes, movers losing or stealing your belongings and all while one spouse might have been deployed or TDY. You moved during the lockdowns and struggled to figure out how to make new friends during isolation.
You’ve suffered the loss of family members while living hundreds of miles from your hometown. You welcomed new babies alone in a hospital during quarantine, away from the support of friends and family.
You’ve demonstrated super-hero amounts of strength for a long time and the weight is getting heavy. You’re trying to be present for your kids, your spouse, and your neighbors but you’re wondering when someone will be present for you. Life has been hard for several years and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down.
Hear me: you’re doing a tremendous job. Feeling weary is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of your humanity.
One of the benefits of military life is that we learn that we’re stronger than we believed. However, one of the disadvantages is that it’s easy to keep pushing through when our whole being is telling us that we need rest and support.
You are the most vital component of your child’s life, and my role is to support you so that you can support your kids.
In honor of the Month of the Military Child, I’m giving away 1 free hour of coaching to any military member or military family member who schedules a consultation call with me.
In honor of the Month of the Military Child, I am giving away 1 free hour of coaching to any military member or military family member who schedules a consultation call with me. This includes all active duty, reserves, National Guard, veteran, and retirees and their families. This offer will expire on May 31, 2023. That means that you will receive 1 free consultation call and 1 free hour of coaching. The free coaching call needs to be used before July 31, 2023.
What does a life coach do?
I’m here to be your battle buddy. You aren’t meant to walk this road alone. I am here to listen to you and help you see how changing your thoughts can create a new outlook on your current circumstances. I’m here to help you be the person you want to be.
As your life coach, I will ask poignant questions that allow you to explore your own thoughts, desires, joys, struggles. As we explore your thoughts, we will hone in on those that are serving you and those that aren’t. Once we identify the thoughts that are no longer serving you, we will work to change those thoughts. Then you can approach your circumstances with a perspective that will give you more joy and peace.
An example from my session with my coach:
Last summer we were facing down another PCS, but this one was different. Our oldest child, newly graduated from high school, was tired of cross-country moving and wanted to stay behind. She decided she was ready to move out on her own. I was so afraid. I kept thinking, “I only have a few weeks left and then it’s over! How will I make the most of this little bit of time we have left together? How will I move away and leave her behind?”
That’s when my coach stepped in with powerful questions and helped me change my thoughts about our circumstance. She helped me see that I was approaching motherhood from a scarcity mindset. If I continued down that path I would destroy my relationship with my daughter. By clinging to her childhood, I wouldn’t be able to support her in her journey into adulthood.
My coach showed me that I have an abundance of time with my daughter. The majority of my relationship with her will be spent as adults.
My coach showed me that I have an abundance of time with my daughter. The majority of my relationship with her will be spent as adults.
A switch flipped in me and I approached that summer from a state of peace and joy. Don’t get me wrong, I cried a lot. Yet I was able to plant the seeds of a new relationship with my adult child. I could celebrate her new independence rather than fear it.
The circumstances stayed the same, but my thoughts changed. It allowed me to show up as a healthier, more excited mom for my daughter. Throughout the bumps of this first year apart, I’ve been the steady, loving presence in her life that she needs me to be.
I’m here to support you as your coach so you can show up happier and healthier for your family.
Schedule your free consultation and free coaching call with me today. You don’t have to make this journey alone. I’ve got your back.