Three ways to transform your appearance without products.

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Woman with mirror in a field and the words "Three ways to transform your appearance without products."

I’m sharing three ways that you can transform you appearance without products. I heard Jennifer Fulwiler talk about this idea on her podcast and wanted to see if it could work for me. I’ve been insecure about my looks for most of my life. Do you relate to this?

  • Slumped shoulders
  • People commenting on how tired you look, even when you had a good night’s sleep.
  • Your kids ask you if you’re upset when you’re just thinking about dinner ideas.

I’m not a beauty expert. I don’t use many skin care products and it shows. I did an experiment and decided to try implementing these three things to see if it could help me.

They were a game changer.

It sounds like a magic trick doesn’t it? I promise it’s not, but I had to get out of my comfort zone to implement the following list.

You are beautiful

Before I go further into this list, you need to know how beautiful you are. It doesn’t matter what your clothes tag says, what your hair looks like, or whether you’re going through a skin breakout. You are gorgeous inside and out. The end. However, if you’re like a lot of us, you may not feel beautiful. The stressors of life can pile on top of us, making us feel like we’re carrying a heavy boulder on our shoulders. We grimace and slouch under the weight of it all.

Friend, it’s okay to set the bolder down. You’ve been carrying it too long. Set it down a bit, and focus on a few things you can do right now to let your beautiful self shine. It’s hard to do these things when we are holding up the boulder of worry and fear.

Tip #1: Smile and Laugh!

  • Laugh out loud, several times a day. Smile when you walk through the grocery store. Chuckle at the cute baby in front of you at the check out. Openly gasp at a beautiful sunset. Laugh at your kids’ jokes, no matter how ridiculous.
  • Smiling and laughing will make you look younger than ever. People will start to ask if you’ve done something different or changed your hair. You can just laugh and say, “I’m just happier!”
  • If you’re naturally stoic this will feel strange. It will take a while to train yourself to laugh and smile more. You might feel fake and a little ridiculous. I promise you will see an impact in your appearance. Suddenly your eyes will look brighter and you’ll have a youthful glow about you.

2. Care about people, including yourself.

  • Too much of anything can turn into a bad thing. Overly caring for ourselves can make us selfish. Overly caring for others can make us exhausted and run-down. Caring for people, and including ourselves in that list, will leave us feeling more energized and rejuvenated. When we live a life of love it will show in our appearance. One of the best ways to care for yourself is by going on retreat. Time away will help you feel rested and ready to love well.

3. Feel your feelings.

  • You don’t want to become emotionally constipated. It will show up in your expressions. If you avoid the bad feelings then you end up blocking the good feelings. We don’t get to pick and choose which feelings we block. Blocking one means blocking them all. By giving yourself the time and space to feel and process your feelings, you will have a lightness about you and your eyes will sparkle.

…focusing on your inner life will create an added sparkle and glow that will give you timeless beauty.

Of course, we also want to take good care of our skin. It is our largest organ. There are a number of great products that will help you do that. This list isn’t meant to replace proper hygiene and care for yourself. Rather, focusing on your inner life will create an added sparkle and glow that will give you timeless beauty. Saint Mother Theresa and Saint John Paul the Great are examples of people who exuded timeless beauty because of their deep love for people.

You are beautiful just as you are.

Thank you for coming and spending this time with me. Leave me a comment below and share something that makes you feel beautiful. If there is something you want to hear about on the blog, email me at

If you want some help incorporating this list into your own life, click here to set up a free 1 hour consultation and find out how coaching can help you alleviate stress to make room for more love and joy in your life.

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